PART 2: 5 Tips to Retain Teachers


  • Tech & Learning
  • PowerSchool

About This Webinar

Retaining talented, passionate educators is a challenge that districts are continuing to face nationwide.

In Part 2 of this 2-part series, Tech & Learning, in partnership with PowerSchool, brings together school district experts to share advice about how they improved teacher retention by streamlining their onboarding processes, creating a supportive culture, and offering personalized coaching and professional development programs.

  1. Christine Weiser

    Host Christine Weiser Content Director Tech & Learning

  2. Dan Ryder

    Featuring Dan Ryder Director of Design and Innovation CRCS Overman Schools

  3. Dr. Todd Dugan

    Featuring Dr. Todd Dugan Superintendent Bunker Hill CUSD #8

  4. Dr. Leanna Mullen

    Featuring Dr. Leanna Mullen Student Data Coordinator and RtI Data Coach Egg Harbor Township School District

  5. Fred Scott

    Featuring Fred Scott Retired K-12 Educator, Consultant, and Solutions Engineer PowerSchool

This webinar will cover:

  1. How to improve retention by putting staff in places to succeed, connecting their work with the strategic direction of the district, and providing frequent feedback
  2. Tips to transform real-time instructional coaching data into personalized goals
  3. Strategies to tailor professional development recommendations to boost retention